Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Halloween Costume Awards

And the award goes to....!!!

Hey everyone! I am so excited because this year my family is throwing a Halloween party! Now, normally I'm not so much into this holiday, but this year i decided to decorate my apartment and get in the Halloween spirit.

We decided to have a costume contest. I did a little research on what kinds of awards to give out. I came across a website with these adorable skeleton awards and fell in love with this idea! They are super cheap and pretty easy to make. And they look great!!  Most of the materials came from the Dollar Tree. Of course I had to try and make some of my own. Here's my take on the Skeleton awards!

Best Couple
 Funniest Costume
 Scariest Costume
 Best Costume
I hope you guys enjoyed this! If you have any questions on how I made these, please leave it down below. You can also check out the website where I found this idea. Thanks again for stopping by. I have a lot more Halloween stuff cooking, so I will make sure to keep posting. :)

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