Saturday, June 1, 2013

Thomas the Train Birthday Party!

Time for another birthday party! This time for my adorable nephew, Ivan. I didn't do too many DIY projects. We had very little time to prep for this party, but still a lot of fun setting up. I also got some great ideas from other bloggers. :)

I bought small moving boxes and covered them with poster paper. My sister drew Thomas faces on paper plates. Then we inserted straps so the kids could wear them. Such an easy project and super cute!

 My lovely mother and beautiful niece playing with their party favors.
 For some yummy snacks we created a food train. I purchased the plastic bins at the Dollar Tree. I added wheels made of cardstock and tags to the corresponding snack. (animal car for animal crackers, log car for pretzel sticks, coal car for oreos, etc.)

We made tracks throughout the backyard. I forgot what kind of paint we used. I believe it was chalk spray paint.

Another fun birthday party! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Please feel free to leave questions or comments down below. Have a wonderful day! :)

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